Lotus Natural Glow Facial Kit - Phootra

Lotus Natural Glow Facial Kit

665, Luxe ₹465.00 , Elite ₹532.00


Exfoliates dull layers of skin dead skin lining your skin needs exfoliation in order for your skin to look flawless and young and this facial will remove all the layers of dead skin. Lightens and nourishes the skin Fairer and more healthy skin can be achieved by using the contents of this kit to regularly treat your face to pampering. Rejuvenates dull and dehydrated skin hydrating your skin from the deepest layers so that you enjoy replenished freshness in your skin to flaunt. Natural instant glow For that super gorgeous finish and polish to your skin with just minutes of cleansing, this kit will give your skin a beautiful glow instantly.


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